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Roman recipe for
Pisa (Chilled Peas Vinaigrette)

by Apicius, V, III, 4

Yeah, go ahead and click here to buy this book!
The Roman Cookery of Apicius
AFAIK, this recipe comes from Edwards and was inserted by original site author (I will say again to PLEASE buy these author's books! By doing so, you will help support them — even for books that are older and might not sell as well anymore... These authors do not do this for money, they do it for love. Please support them!

These peas are delicious! The peas themselves are sweet, with a more salty and savory flavor that balances out the sweetness of the peas. The dish was very light, yet filling

Original recipe: Pisum coques, agitabis et mittis in frigidam. Cum refrigeraverit, deinde agitabis. concidis cepam minutatim et albamentum ovi, oleo et sale condies, aceti modicum adicies. in boletari vitellum ovi cocti colas, insuper oleum viridem mittis et inferes.

Translation: Cook the peas; when skimmed, lay leeks, coriander and cumin on top. Crush pepper, lovage, cumin, dill and green basilica,º wine and broth to taste, make it boil; when done stir well, put in what perchance should be missing and serve.


  • 2 c. shelled, fresh peas
  • 1 finely chopped medium onion
  • 2 hard-boiled egg whites
  • 3 T. olive oil
  • 1 T. cider vinegar
  • pinch of salt
  • (1 soft-boiled egg yolk)


  • Steam peas, drain, and immerse in cold water.
  • When the peas are cold, drain and toss to remove liquid.
  • Into a mixing bowl, chop onion very finely.
  • Add Chopped egg whites, olive oil and vinegar.
  • Pour the chilled peas into a serving dish. (If desired, add the yolk of a soft-boiled egg to the peas.)
  • Season with the vinaigrette sauce, and serve
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